Ignite Your Business

Is there an entrepreneur inside you?

3 min readDec 15, 2020

Different people start their business for different reasons. And there should be no right or wrong reasons. All it takes is one skill. It’s called enterprise, also known as the calculated risk entrepreneurs are willing to assume. What’s in it for them? The chance to follow their passion and work on something that matters, owning their decisions since day one.

Be that as it may, before making the ones you won’t be able to undo in the long run, ask yourself some difficult questions. What is your motivation for starting a business? Is there a genuine need for something meaningful in the market that it’s not there yet? If so, how are you planning to make that change and do it better? That’s a tough one… but you’re never too late to any party.

Scary experience? Debunk this myth and stop daydreaming. Take action and make it happen. Here’s why:

Photo by Braden Collum on Unsplash

For starters, you will be able to work from practically anywhere. Less commute stress, better work-life balance, access to a broader range of job opportunities geographically speaking, increased performance and productivity; plus you’d be making a positive environmental impact. Customize your home-office, make it whatever you want and become your own boss. It’s okay to start small, slow and steady wins the race. Long-term consistency is key and baby steps do take you places.

Entrepreneurship will push you further than ever before but the skills you’re bound to develop will make you an expert in your chosen field. You’ll develop an iron jaw. Just be careful who you learn from. Position yourself near those who will help you become so good you can’t be ignored.

Starting your own business is synonym for escaping the rat race, ditching the corporate and mastering your own destiny. It’s okay to harbor the ambition but at some point you’ll wake up to realize you’ve been working on a job you don’t actually like. Climb the ladder? Yes, but make sure it leads somewhere. You can’t buy time or earn it back… there must be something more out there, right?

Help to create jobs and change work culture. Become the mentor you needed on your first day at work and the boss you always wanted to have. It’s not a mandate, it’s a movement. What’s more entrepreneurial than that? Your employee value position is something you wouldn’t want to lose sight of… you have the opportunity to change lives and serve as role model.

Do things better and enjoy it. Build something from nothing and become part of a big family where there’s no finger pointing, hamster wheels, age barrier or glass ceilings. A bad day in an entrepreneur’s life is way better than any bad day working for someone else…

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