How the AllStartup Weekend has changed the life of our entrepreneurs

3 min readSep 17, 2020

Our AllStartup Weekend provides a great opportunity for you to test your mettle in the fast-paced world of startups. In just three days (Friday to Sunday) you’ll take part in essential workshops, such as learning how to formulate business plans and put them into action, form a core team and, with help from Demium mentors, put together a pitch. Sunday is showtime, when you put all your new-found skills to good use and pitch your business to the Demium panel. The winning team will be invited to join our six-month incubation programme. Don’t worry if your team doesn’t make it, as we’ll also be keeping an eye out for particularly adept individuals over the course of the weekend, who will have another opportunity to build a team and present an idea in the first two weeks of the programme.

We asked some of our entrepreneurs about their experience in the AllStartup weekend, and this is what they told us.

“I went in with an open mind, not sure what to expect. I found it to be really good, if very intense, and super enjoyable. I really did it well with my team which I think is testament to the way in which the Demium’s mentors help us understand what to look for in teammates.” — Silvia García, CEO of DeVallet. The startup from our incubator in Demium Valencia offers pointe shoes that increase durability thanks to a polymeric internal structure and interchangeable shanks, what they commercially called “insouls”. This way, the dancer can change the hardness of the pointe shoes without having to worry about owning numerous pairs of shoes.

“Overall I really liked the programme. I like that you communicate with different people. It’s difficult, for sure, because you meet so many people in one day, but you find a connection with a lot of them. I also like the pitching side of the event, because it makes me feel anxious, but in a good way.” — Ksenya Shurak, CMO at 3DMG, an AI-based software that helps 3D artists to generate 3d models in a few seconds.

“The truth is it was very good. I’ve attended other similar events, but they weren’t organized by an accelerator. I loved the Demium ASW because it’s challenging, motivating, you’re under pressure with new people, and it’s energising. We were unique in the fact we went to the ASW with an idea and partners already in mind, so Demium put us to the test and in the end, we convinced them.” — Miguel Ángel Ivars, CEO at Adtuo. This Madrid-based company now aids Spanish SMEs with all their Facebook, Whatsapp, Instagram and other social advertising needs. Thanks to AI software, results that once took weeks, even months, to gather and calculate can now be analysed in real-time.

The whole process was fantastic. It was very fast and so interesting. I met lots of different people and learnt a lot. I think it’s the balance of positive stress that brings out the best qualities in people and produces results. In Demium, they exploit the best qualities in people. — Yaroslav Parkhisenko, CEO of the smartshelf startup that helps supermarkets overcome low-stock losses and sell more by installing weight sensors and cameras on retailers’ shelves, RecoShelf.

Applications are open to everyone: we’re after talented, brave and committed people from a range of backgrounds, or industry experts, with an epic determination to make things happen.

We are currently based in Valencia, Madrid, Barcelona, Málaga, Lisbon, Kyiv, Warsaw and Athens, but we’re always expanding our network of incubators, so kickstarting your dream has never been easier.

Which only leaves one thing to consider: are you ready to start?




Europe’s fastest growing talent investor & pre-team, pre-idea startup builder, connecting the best business opportunities with the best entrepreneurial talent.